Fajar Fahmi A, Andjar Pudji, Triana Rahmawati


Hematocrit (HCT) is the percentage of the entire volume of the erythrocytes were separated
from plasma by turning in a special tube with time and a certain speed where the value is expressed
in percent (%).For this purpose, blood was taken in a syringe with a predetermined volume and
transfe"ed into a special scale hematocrit tube (tube wintrobe).For screening bloodhematocrit can
not be allowedto clot and should be given anticoagulants.
Hematocrit Centrifuge Module microcontroller-based writer who made ATMega8535 use
TCRT5000sensor to speed sensor, and using 7segment display to display. This module is equipped
with a selection of life RPM speed 10.000RPM, 10.500RPM, 11.000RPM, 1l.500RPM and
12.000RPM. To speed settings, this module uses internal PWM Timerl.
Hematocrit Centrifuge Module is measured using a tachometer to Radiant Per Minute
(RPM) and use a stopwatch to time. Based on the measurements that have been carried out a
comparison between the values obtained and measuring module is equal to 1.3% error rate. Based
on the testing equipment, inspection hematocritsamples can only be done at a speed of 10,000RPM
and 10,500 RPM as limit the effectiveness of the examination results. Based on the experiments,
testing tools, and data collection is generally concluded that the tool Hematocrit Centrifuge can be
Keyword:Centrifuge, Hematocri

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