Sistem Informasi Pemeliharaan dan Kalibrasi Peralatan Medis Berbasis Software di RSUD Ibnu Sina Gresik

Rofik Udin, I Dewa Gede Hari Wisana, Dwi Herry Andayani


Medical equipment is an enabling factor that has a very important role in the the organization of health services at the hospital. To keep the medical equipment can functon properl and ready to use it requires ongoing maintenance and planned.

Purpose in making the information systems maintanance and calibration of medical equipment as atool for monitoring external maintanance and calibration of medical equipment that can reduce equipment downtime and also documentation of history of medical equipment can be maintained properly.

Type of research is applied experimental. The data of this study is all the medical equipment in IBS, ICU and Radiology Hospital Ibnu Sina Gresik from 2011 to 2012 and include a maintanance schedule and a schdule of external calibration of medical equipment.

This software includes a database in the list of rooms, medical equpment inventory, maintanance schedules and external calibration of medical equipment maintanance and operating procedures. All data is stored in the database are processed in software and output in the form of maitanance reports. Besides, it will be set reminder alarms future expiration time external calibration of medical equipment.

This software can be in use by the hospital Management as a tool to predict the needs of the budget plan maintanance of medical equipment in hospitals Ibnu Sina Gresik.

To future, this software can be enhanced through the network between the room, so that each-each room can be mutually monitor maintanance schedules and external calibration of medical equipment.


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