Dewi Anisa, Rusmiati ., Darjati .


A market is the place for the sale and purchase of goods with more than one merchant. It includes
shopping centers, traditional markets, shops, malls, palazas, trade centers or other designations.
Sanitation conditions are among the important factors in the running of market and poor hygiene
may result in a wide range of unfavorable consequences, such as transmission of diseases and
vector development. The purpose of the present study was to assess conditions of sanitary
facilities, including locations, buildings, sanitation, clean and healthy behavior (CHB), security and
other facilities of Wonokromo Market Surabaya.
The study was a descriptive research. Data were collected by observations, interviews and
measurements using a healthy market form. Variables included location, buildings, clean water
bathrooms and toilets, waste management, drainage, sinks, animal-borne diseases of vectors, CHB
of the merchants and market management, market disinfections, security and other facilities. Data
were calculated for percentage and assingned to healthy, less healthy and unhealthy categories.
In overall, conditions of sanitation facilities of Wonokromo Market Surabaya were categorized as
unhealthy with a score of 5698 out of a variables, the variables locations and security were
categorized as less healthy (66%, 60% and 64%, respectivety) and the variable other facilities was
categorized as unhealthy (56%).
It is recommended to check, improve and add sanitation facilities or other facilities in accordance
with Regulation of the Health Minister No.519/Menkes/SK/VI/2008 on Guidelines for
Implementation of Health Markets.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v13i2.87


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