Garbage is resulted from human activities and their existence is unwanted. High population growth can cause
an increase in garbage volume. This situation calls for right and proper garbage management. Such garbage
management can be done in the landfill.
The research was carried out in Kupang Landfill at Kecamatan Jabon Kabupaten Sidoarjo. This was a
descriptive study, using cross sectional approach. This study illustrated the garbage management
implementation in Kupang Landfill in Kecamatan Jabon Kabupaten Sidoarjo in 2014. The data were analysed
descriptively based on the tabulated data using fulfillment standard as > 50%.
The results indicated a score of 65% on garbage management implementation in the Landfill that is in
accordance with the Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 regarding The Implementation
of Garbage Infrastructure in Household Garbage Handling and Garbage Similar to Household Garbage. The
garbage management method adopted in Kupang landfill is a controlled landfill. Garbage comes from
residential areas, markets and manufacturing companies or industries. The daily generation rate of garbage is
in the average of 376 m3/ day. The type of the produced garbage is household garbage and similar to those.
In terms of the composition it consists of organiC and inorganic garbage. The equipment and tools being used
in garbage management are dump truck, arm roll, pick up, bulldozer, broom, small water pump, big diesel
engine, and methane gas suck blower.
It is suggested to perform some sorting between garbage from manufacturing companies or industries with
public garbage. Garbage grouping is based on garbage composition which can be expressed in % of weight or
% of volume of each garbage composition, conduct garbage sorting and grouping since garbage leaves its
sources, provide sorting facilities, a place for every type of garbage, and provide sorted garbage collection
an increase in garbage volume. This situation calls for right and proper garbage management. Such garbage
management can be done in the landfill.
The research was carried out in Kupang Landfill at Kecamatan Jabon Kabupaten Sidoarjo. This was a
descriptive study, using cross sectional approach. This study illustrated the garbage management
implementation in Kupang Landfill in Kecamatan Jabon Kabupaten Sidoarjo in 2014. The data were analysed
descriptively based on the tabulated data using fulfillment standard as > 50%.
The results indicated a score of 65% on garbage management implementation in the Landfill that is in
accordance with the Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 regarding The Implementation
of Garbage Infrastructure in Household Garbage Handling and Garbage Similar to Household Garbage. The
garbage management method adopted in Kupang landfill is a controlled landfill. Garbage comes from
residential areas, markets and manufacturing companies or industries. The daily generation rate of garbage is
in the average of 376 m3/ day. The type of the produced garbage is household garbage and similar to those.
In terms of the composition it consists of organiC and inorganic garbage. The equipment and tools being used
in garbage management are dump truck, arm roll, pick up, bulldozer, broom, small water pump, big diesel
engine, and methane gas suck blower.
It is suggested to perform some sorting between garbage from manufacturing companies or industries with
public garbage. Garbage grouping is based on garbage composition which can be expressed in % of weight or
% of volume of each garbage composition, conduct garbage sorting and grouping since garbage leaves its
sources, provide sorting facilities, a place for every type of garbage, and provide sorted garbage collection
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