KONDISI SANITASI RUMAH DAN PERILAKU PENGHUNI (Studi KasusDi Pemukiman Sawahpulo RW11 Kelurahan Ujung Kecamatan Semampir

Yosi Arteri Rosalina, Umi Rahayu, Suroso Bambang Eko


Healthy homes can be viewed from its basic sanitary conditions, construction, and the proper
behavior of their occupants. The facts indicated that there are homes that do not have latrines, waste
disposal facility, open sewerage system, windows are rarely opened, increasing the risk of disease
infection and health problems to the community. The purpose of this study was to assessand determine
the sanitary conditions and the behavior of occupants in Sawahpulo RW 11 at Ujung village, Semampir
Subdistrict, Surabaya.
Employing a descriptive method, large sample of 92 houses were selected using a proportional
random sampling. Data collection were carried out using interviews and observation sheets. Respondents
in this study were housewives, that have been collected and subsequently tabulated, and discussed with
reference to the Minister Regulation 829 / Menkes / SK / VII / 1999 on Health Requirements for
Residential area .
Results of the study on 92 homes showed that, 39 homes (42.3%) were in violation of basic
sanitation facilities. Home components of 75 houses homes were not eligible (81.6%). In terms of
occupant density, 35 homes (38%) were in violation of the standard. Regarding behavior of occupants, 90
people (97.8%) were found to be unsatisfactory. The sanitary condition of the houses in as much as 8
home (8.7%) have met the designated requirements while in the other 84 homes (91.3%) the condition
were below standard. In the maintenance of sanitary conditions home dwellers have done poorly as
shown by 79 people (85.9%).
It is recommended to the Pegirian health center to initiate counseling on environment associated
diseases, initiate activities such as training on making handicrafts made from recycled plastic wastes and
how ro make compost. Public toilet facilities should be improved by installing doors, erect separator walls
on each latrine unit and to provide water reservoirs for comfortable use, maintenance of latrines should be
done by scheduled teams. For the People should engage in the maintainenance of basic hygiene and
sanitation facilities, home repair, improve basic sanitation facilities and repair damaged components.
Change the behavior of the inhabitants in order to care more about the sanitary conditions of their own
home and its environment and to provide information about healthy home quality.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v12i2.65


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