PELAKSANAAN DESA SIAGA STRATA PRATAMA TAHUN 2016 (Studi Kasus Desa Siaga Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jetis Kabupaten Ponorogo)

Levy Karunia Putri, Setiawan ., Mamik .


Desa Siaga is a government program in an effort to get closer to basic health services to villagers, to
alert communities in facing health problems, to make the communities independent in developing clean and
healthy living behavior. However, Desa Siaga program did not meet the expectation. The purpose of this
study was to investigate the implementation of Desa Siaga Pratama stage in Jetis health center work area.
This is a descriptive research. The data was collected by interview about eight criteria for appointing
Desa Siaga Aktif with research object include the chairman, village midwives, health workers, and 6
members of community in each village. The data obtained were processed by using Microsoft Office Excel.
The results showed that of 14 Desa Siaga, Jetis sub district, 11 villages were categorized as Pratama
stage, while the 3 villages could not be defined, meaning that the general purpose of Desa Siaga, which is to
create community that care and responsive in addressing health problems independently there, was not met.
Government and health center should improve monitoring to the development of Desa Siaga Aktif. It
is also advisable to establish UKBM to create independent community to prevent and manage health
problems. In addition, budgeting through the village budget to support Desa Siaga activities will be also a
good step to be implemented. It is advisable for the community to play an active role to support all the
activities in order to create Desa Siaga in Jetis sub district.
Keywords : Implementation of Alert Village, 8 indicators, the staging of Desa Siaga

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