PENURUNAN KADAR Pb DALAM KERANG HIJAU (Mytilus virids) DENGAN FILTRAT TOMAT (Solanum lycopersicum) Tahun 2016

Adistya Galih P, Narwati ., Bambang Sunarko


Green mussels on the Kenjeran beach contains 1.833 mg / kg heavy metals Pb. Excessively
accumulated heavy metals in the body can lead to death or illness in a short time. This study aims atdetermining
the difference levels of Pb decreased in green mussel (Mytilusvirids) with a different concentration of the filtrate
This study is an experimental research using one group pretest posttest design.The dependent variable
in this study is the heavy metals Pb concentration in green mussel. The independent variable is the filtrate
tomatoes concentration (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) with 60 minutes soaking time. To determine the decrease
levels effect of heavy metals Pb concentration, researcheruses One Way Anova test becausethe data has normal
The results shows that the average content of Pbbefore treatment (control) is 0.20 mg / Kg. Afterthe
treatment, the highest decrease of Pb is at 75% concentration that is 0.12 mg / kg with a percentage decrease
of 60%.
It can be concluded that there is an influence of filtrate tomatoes concentration to decreased levels of
heavy metals Pb in green mussel. It is suggested to people to soak the mussels before consumption by using
tomatoes filtrate because it can reduce the level of heavy metals Pb contained in crestacea, especially green
Keywords : green mussels, heavy metals Pb, tomato filtrate

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