Elis Sugihartini, Ferry Kriswandana, Hadi Suryono


Hospital activities could be potentially reduces the quality of the environment and public
health, especially from the medical home activities. One of this activity produces liquid waste
that are harmful to the hospital environment and the surrounding community if the disposal is
not treated before discharge into the water streams, thus it is important to monitoring and
handling in the hospital environment.
This research is a descriptive study with the aim to describe the existing condition of
the Waste Management System on Pulmonary Hospital at Surabaya. This research is useful to
the Hospital in order to improve their tunnel and immediately running the IPAL to reduce the
levels of pollutants and becomes the safe environment.
The results of this study showed that the effluent liquid waste on Pulmonary Hospital at
Surabaya has not been in compliance with the State Environmental Ministerial Decree of
Republic Indonesia No : MEP - 58/MENLH/XIII/1995 because in the results of laboratory
examinations was conducted on May 11, 2013 as the parameters of BOD, COD, TSS, and MPN,
the coli bacteria/100 obtain a percentage of 134 ml mg/I, 237 mg/I, 20 mg/I and 9 x 10-8
MPN/100 ml which is not considered feasible due to exceeding quality standards for liquid
waste Constanta to be dispose in water streams. Problems that exist in pulmonary hospitals
nowadays is the liquid waste treatment system due to discharge of liquid waste generated from
various sources is not running yet and it does not meet the capacity of the existing IPAL,
irregularities found in the existing management system in a pulmonary hospital Surabaya, after
investigators traced by researchers there are some pipelines that leak or loss of liquid waste
that directly flows in drainage tunnels, and the sump apparently are not water resistant, and it
caused the water seep or seep into the ground.
It is advisable for the pulmonary hospital at Surabaya to improve the liquid waste
systems, from the source to the hospitals liquid waste treatment such as repairing tunnels and
fixing the sump. And the most important thing is to immediately run the existing IPAL in
pulmonary hospital Surabaya so that the disposal of liquid waste can be reducing the levels of
pollutants and does not pollute or adversely affects the hospital environment or the local
: Liquid waste management systems, hospital liquid waste,
Latar Belakang
Hospital liquid waste impacts.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v11i3.216


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