Ervin Wahyuning Maulidah, Bambang Sunarko, Sri Mardoyo


Community health status was also determined by environmental condition, that
included public places and availability of health services. Among many problems encountered
by the Mojosari Market included the fact that many merchants disposed off their garbage
indescriminately, dirty and smelly bathrooms and toilet rooms, smelly and tarnish place
reserved for praying and a place for selling birds, and the so called clean water that deviated
from standards. This research was directed to assess condition of sanitation facilities in
Mojosari Market in 2013.
This was classified as a descriptive observational research following a cross sectional
approach. Data collection is conducted by means of interviews, observation and laboratory
tests. Object of this investigation were condition of sanitation facilities as well as other
facilities. Data was analyzed descriptively.
Results indicated that clean water availability was granted with score of 400 (40%)
which meant it was in compliance, bath room and toilet room was granted with score of 500
(50%) which also meant it was in compliance, garbage disposal facility was given a score of
620 (62%) meaning that it was in compliance, sewerage system scored 200 (20%) and it
complied to the expected requirements, the musholla scored 240 (40%) and remained in
compliance, bird selling place scored 272 (34%) which was in compliance range while the
health service post scored 0 and it did not domply to the requirement.
It was deemed advisable to carry out clean water disinfect at the sources, to add
artflclal lighting units in toilet room and to remove and clean all visible crusts, to incorporate
sorting mechanism in garbage disposal and to provide cover on garbage containers, cleaning
the sewer system, periodical cleaning at musholla , and to provide health service post
equipped with first aid items.
Key words: sanitation facilities and other facilities

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