KAJIAN TENTANG KUALITAS AIR FOUNTAIN (Studi Kasus Air Fountain di Taman Bungkul Kota Surabaya)

Yuliana Ngasarotun, Narwati ., Imam Thohari


People are doubtful to drink from water fountain provided in amusement parks. In addition, it
was whose has the contamination to other users. It was occured becausethe controllers to the faucet of
drinking water. This research is aimed at studying water quality of a drinking fountain, before and after
the onsite treatment processesat the unit located in Tarnan.Bunqkul Surabaya.
This is a descriptive research, where water samples were drawn as a composite samples, twice a
day (morning and afternoon) sampling takes before and after processing the fountain water treatment
unit. Data were collected through laboratory measurements on physical characteristics (smell, color,
turbidity, taste, temperature), microbiological parameters (coliform MPNindex), chemical quality (iron and
pH) and through organoleptic determination that include smell, color, taste, as well as visual observations
on the state of the water fountain and associated treatment unit. Collected data were tabulated and
analyzed as is.
Results of physical, microbiological, and chemical examinations showed that parameters were in
accordance with designations in the Ministry of Health Regulation No 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010. Resultsof
the first and second laboratory analysis indicated decreased levels of color, turbidity, temperature, coliform
MPN,iron, pH. However in the second examination the water temperature increased (0.004%).
The study concluded that water fountain suitable for consumption. For the maintenance of the
water fountain quality the study suggested that people should wash their hands prior to using the water
fountain and observe the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Keywords :drinking water fountain, contaminants, transmission of the disease

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v11i1.174


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