Firda Lutfi Pangresti, Tuhu Pinardi, Hery Koesmantoro


Manisrejo village incidence of dengue fever is the highest among the City of Madiun. The
number of cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever in that village was as many as 84 cases in
2010-2014. This study aims to find out about the incidence of dengue fever. By measuring
behavioral factors, assess physical factors, calculating factor-free numbers larva, evaluate PSN
(mosquito nest eradication), evaluates health services, measuring the socio-economic factors,
and to describe the incidence of dengue fever.
 This type of research is a descriptive study. Populations were all cases of dengue fever in
the village Manisrejo District of the City of Madiun. The sample is purposive sampling counted
84 cases and the controls.
 The results generated from the calculation of questionnaires and observation done. It is
known that most of the respondents behavior is bad namely 87.8%, physical factors such as
temperature and humidity most of the houses of the respondents have optimum temperature
and humidity which is a mosquito breeding sites by 83.67%. Village ofManisrejois still not free
from larvae, this is because free larva houseswere still below 95%, the mosquito eradication
is bad that is equal to 59.2%, patients with dengue fever in the village Manisrejo utilize health
services and are willing to seek treatment when exposed to pain, patients with dengue fever
at most households were not poor 84,7%.
It is recommended to the citizens in order to improve the attitudes and actions of
mosquito control, as well as the mobilization of mosquito eradication movement cadres in
particular for monitoring larvae, as well as public attention to environmental conditions such
as opening a window or vent, this can help to regulate the temperature and humidity.

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