Sari Lisa Sugiarti, Prijono Sigit, Moch Yulianto


Magetan vegetable market is a class 1 market in accordancewith Regulation Number 3 2011. It is
the largest market in kabupaten Magetan, as seen from the large area coverage and number of traders
doing business and amount of retribution collected everyday. Magetan vegetable market is located Jalan
Mayjen Sungkono Number 07 Magetan covering an area of 10,000 m2 and devided into 5 blocks. The
daily operating hours is 04.00 pm - 21.00 pm.
The sanitation facilities especially the bathrooms or toilets and garbage bins in this market are in
poor condition, while sellers operating in this market seemed not to care about the state of the sanitation
facilities. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the behavioral aspects of traders with regard to
sanitation facilities in Magetan Vegetable Market, by assessingtheir working knowledge, attitude, actions
and behavior of traders toward the care of sanitation facilities provided in the market.
This was a descriptive, a cross-sectional study that performed directly in the field. The study
covered a total of 295 respondents drawn from a total population of 1,121 merchants by quota type non-
probability sampling.
With regard to the level of merchants' behavior in the Market, their behaviour relating to the
maintenance of sanitation facilities was poor. The level of good behavior was represented by 40,67%, and
poor behaviour was indicated by 54,33% of respondents. Their working knowledge associated with efforts
the maintenance sanitation facilities in this Vegetable Market can be divided into "good knowledge and
good behavior" (68,05%), "good knowledge with poor behavior" (31,95%). In addition to that, those
classified as having "poor knowledge and poor behavior" amounted to 94,44%, while the "poor knowledge
and good behavior" amounted to 5,56%. It is therefore necessaryto elaborate their working knowledge,
attitudes and actions and hoping that they are willing to partidpate in the effort of careing for existing
sanitation facilities in Magetan Vegetable Market.

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