nikmatul fadilah



 Obat adalah zat yang digunakan untuk diagnosis dan pengobatan. Tujuan Penelitian adalah Tujuan umum penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dalam pemilihan jenis pengobatan pada masyarakat Krembangan Baru RT. 08 RW.01 Kelurahan Kemayoran Surabaya. Rancangan penelitian adalah deskripif cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah masyarakat Krembangan Baru RT.08 RW.01 Kelurahan Kemayoran Surabaya, dengan teknik purposive sampling diambil 20 KK sebagai sampel penelitian dengan kriteria salah satu anggota keluarga dan berusia >15 tahun. Alat penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan analisa secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian pada masyarakat Krembangan Baru RT.08 RW.01 Kelurahan Kemayoran Surabaya menunjukkan: jenis pengobatan terbanyak adalah pengobatan medis sejumlah 65%. Masyarakat yang berpengetahuan baik sebagian besar (66,7%) memilih  pengobatan medis. Masyarakat dengan penghasilan kurang dari Rp. 1.000.000,00 sejumlah 70% memilih pengobatan medis. Pengambil keputusan dalam pemilihan jenis pengobatan anggota keluarga adalah ayah sejumlah 68,4% pada pengobatan medis. Pengobatan yang sering digunakan masyarakat sekitar cenderung mempengaruhi pemilihan pengobatan pada keluarga di Krembangan Baru RT.08 RW.01 Kelurahan Kemayoran Surabaya.


Kata-kata kunci: jenis pengobatan, masyarakat


Drugs are substances that are used for diagnosis and treatment. Drug works to prevent, soften, or heal the disease in humans or in animals. The purpose of this study is to know the description of the factors in the selection of the community penggobatan New Krembangan RT.08 RW.01 Village Kemayoran Jakarta.
The design is descriptive cross sectional study. Population is the New Krembangan RT. 08 RW.01 Village Kemayoran Jakarta, the sampling technique with the purposive sampling 20KK number of samples. Research variables are factors in the selection of treatment type (traditional, medical, or a combination of traditional and medical) based on knowledge of factors, family income, decision-makers in the use of family members and medical treatment of the most frequently used Krembangan community. Analysis of the descriptive studies that present data are tabulated. The results showed that the type of treatment in the community Krembangan New RT.08 RW.01 Village Kemayoran Jakarta is the 65% is medical treatment. Knowledge of the type of treatment selected in both categories, some 66.7% on the selection of medical treatment and 33.3% on the selection and combination of traditional medical treatment. New families in the community Krembangan RT.08 RW.01 Village Kemayoran Jakarta with INCOME less than Rp. 1,000,000.00 70% choosing a number of medical treatment. Decision makers in choosing the type of treatment is the father of a family member 68.4% on medical treatment. Treatment is often used around the community will tend to influence the selection of treatment in the family, the traditional treatment of 100%, a total of 90% of medical treatment, and a combination of traditional medical treatment and some 50%. Advice based on this research is to further improve public knowledge about the type of treatment selected through various media, enhanced customer service and affordability of health facilities both hospitals and health centers, the expansion of field services at health facilities on traditional medicine (Batra) are standardized and secure, so any type of The selected treatment is safe for the community in maintaining the health of his family.

Key words                      : types of treatment, community

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