Ratna Rosyidati Rodliyah, Jujuk Proboningsih, Adin Muafiro



 Pre-eklampsi  merupakan  penyebab  utama  kematian  ibu  yang  tinggi  disamping  perdarahan.  Pre eklampsi dapat dicegah secara dini melalui pemeriksaan kehamilan secara teratur. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis hubungan frekuensi kunjungan antenatal care dengan kejadian pre eklampsia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah klien pre eklampsia yang pernah dirawat di ruang bersalin RSUD dr M. Soewandie Surabaya dengan besar sampel 25 orang yang dipilih dengan consecutive sampling. Variabel independen adalah frekuensi kunjungan antenatal care, sedangkan  dependennya kejadian pre eklampsia. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar (72,0%) frekuensi kunjungan ANC ibu teratur  dan sebagian besar (80,0%)  mengalami pre eklampsia ringan.  Hasil uji fisher exact test didapatkan nilai p=0,012<α 0,05 artinya frekuensi kunjungan antenatal care secara teratur menurunkan kejadian pre eklampsia. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peran petugas kesehatan untuk selalu memberikan konseling dan motivasi ibu hamil untuk memeriksakan kehamilan secara teratur.

Kata kunci: antenatal care, pre eklampsia


Pre-eclampsia cases in Indonesia were belong to the top rank of obstetric cases after sectio saecaria. In addition, it had been also a major reason of high maternal mortality beside of bleeding. In the worse conditions, pre-eclampsia could be changed to eclampsia with a seizure symptoms. This situation can be prevented earlier if pregnant women do prenatal care regularly. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between antenatal care visit frequency and pre eclampsia cases in dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital, Surabaya. This research was conducted by using an analytical survey through retrospective approach. The sample of populations wre all pre-eclampsia patients who had been treated in the delivery room of dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital, Surabaya. Samples were taken by 25 patients with consecutive sampling technique. The independent variable was the frequency of antenatal care visits, while the dependent was pre-eclampsia cases. This study used a questionnaire instrument. Analysis of the data using Fisher's Exact Test with significance level (a) = 0.05 The results showed that the frequency of most mothers visits of ANC are regular (72.0%) as did most of mild pre-eclampsia (MPE) 80.0 %. The results of fisher exact test showed p=0.012 <a 0.05 then H0 is rejected which means that there is a relationship. Regular frequency of antenatal care visits can reduce pre-eclampsia cases. Thus, it is necessary for health workers to always provide counseling and motivation toward pregnant women till they understand of the importance of prenatal care and want to check up regularly.

 Keywords: ante natal care, pre eclampsia

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