Dhiana Setyorini, Intim Cahyono, Qurratul Aini




In Indonesia, especially in rural areas who do shaman labor is still high at 75% to 80%. Aid deliveries made shaman can cause various problems and the main causes of high mortality, maternal morbidity and perinatal. Many factors influence the selection of aid by the traditional one of whom was pregnant educational factors. This research aims to study the selection of aid delivery by the traditional view of education in pregnant women in the village of Manding weave Sumenep district.Kind of research is observational analytic study using cross-sectional research design. Population was pregnant women who gave birth in January 2008 to December 2008 in the village weave. Samples were pregnant women who gave birth in January 2008 to December 2008 in the village of Manding weave District Sumenep sample of 35 mothers who gave birth in the village weave using variable sampling techniques or complete saturation. To determine the relationship between education variables of pregnant women with the help of the selection by the traditional labor used chi-square statistical test with =0,05. The results showed 68% of the sample aged 20-30 years, 54% of the sample had a low education (not finished primary school / no school, elementary and junior high) and 66% sample of birth mothers do with the help of Shaman. Mothers who gave birth to the shaman that is 73.9% and less educated mothers are giving birth to 83.3% Nakes highly educated, the results of statistical tests with the kemaknaan level (= 0.05) indicates that the relationship between education of pregnant women with the help of election delivery by the shaman. So it can be concluded that the education of pregnant women associated with the selection of aid delivery by the traditional and recommended that health personnel in the area can provide Health education for people about the risks that may occur if pregnant women give birth in midwife and the need to increase cooperation with traditional midwives (traditional partnership ) in terms of labor.

Keywords: education of pregnant women, the selection by the traditional labor




In Indonesia, especially in rural areas who do shaman labor is still high at 75% to 80%. Aid deliveries made shaman can cause various problems and the main causes of high mortality, maternal morbidity and perinatal. Many factors influence the selection of aid by the traditional one of whom was pregnant educational factors. This research aims to study the selection of aid delivery by the traditional view of education in pregnant women in the village of Manding weave Sumenep district.Kind of research is observational analytic study using cross-sectional research design. Population was pregnant women who gave birth in January 2008 to December 2008 in the village weave. Samples were pregnant women who gave birth in January 2008 to December 2008 in the village of Manding weave District Sumenep sample of 35 mothers who gave birth in the village weave using variable sampling techniques or complete saturation. To determine the relationship between education variables of pregnant women with the help of the selection by the traditional labor used chi-square statistical test with =0,05. The results showed 68% of the sample aged 20-30 years, 54% of the sample had a low education (not finished primary school / no school, elementary and junior high) and 66% sample of birth mothers do with the help of Shaman. Mothers who gave birth to the shaman that is 73.9% and less educated mothers are giving birth to 83.3% Nakes highly educated, the results of statistical tests with the kemaknaan level (= 0.05) indicates that the relationship between education of pregnant women with the help of election delivery by the shaman. So it can be concluded that the education of pregnant women associated with the selection of aid delivery by the traditional and recommended that health personnel in the area can provide Health education for people about the risks that may occur if pregnant women give birth in midwife and the need to increase cooperation with traditional midwives (traditional partnership ) in terms of labor.

Keywords: education of pregnant women, the selection by the traditional labor

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