Ziyadatul Khoir, Anis Satus Syarifah, Pawiono



Masih banyak ibu di Indonesia yang mengalami kesulitan untuk menyusui bayinya sehingga kemampuan bayi menghisap ASI kurang sempurna sehingga payudara berhenti menghasilkan ASI. Padahal semakin banyak rangsangan maka semakin banyak jumlah ASI yang diproduksi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara isapan bayi dengan produksi ASI pada ibu masa nifas di Desa Tambakrejo Kecamatan Jombang Kabupaten Jombang Tahun 2016. Desain penelitian menggunakan Analitik Korelasi Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu nifas yang menyusui di Desa Tambakrejo Jombang sebanyak 40 responden. Besar sampel 40 orang yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Variabel independen adalah isapan bayi dan variabel dependen adalah produksi ASI pada ibu masa nifas. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan uji spearman rank. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa hampir seluruhnya bayi melakukan isapan efektif sebanyak 34 responden (85,0%) dan hampir seluruhnya produksi ASI ibu masa nifas yang menyusui dalam kategori baik sebanyak 34 responden (85,0%). Hasil Uji Spearman’s Rho  ada hubungan dengan nilai korelasi 0,626 yang kuat. Oleh karena itu ibu perlu memperhatikan posisi mulut bayinya agar mampu melakukan isapan efektif dan perlu memperbaiki produksi ASI yang optimal dengan sering menyusukan bayinya.


Kata-kata kunci : bayi, ASI, nifas



In Indonesia there are still many women who get difficult to breastfeed  their babies because the baby's ability to suck breastfeeding (ASI) less than perfect so that breasts will stops expressing breastfeeding (ASI). If it gets more and more stimulus to produce, so that the more amount of breast feeding was produced. This research aimed  to understand  the correlation between the baby's sucking with the production of breast feeding  for women  in the post partum period  at  Tambakrejo Village, Jombang  Sub District In Jombang District in 2016. This research design was cross-sectional correlation Analytical. The population was all postpartum women who were breastfeeding at Tambakrejo Village, Jombang Sub district as many  as 40 respondents. Sample number of 50 people were selected using total sampling technique. With independent variables (baby's sucking) and the dependent variable (the production  of breast feeding for women in the post partum period). Data collection using observation and quesstionnaire. The data analysis, was Spearman rank. The research result was  known  that nearly all babies were sucking effectively as many as 34 respondents (85.0%) and nearly all productions of breastfeeding for postpartum women who breastfeed in good categories as many as 34 respondents (85.0%). Spearman's Rho test result was supported by the ρ value of  probability (0.00) which meant  was smaller than (0.05). Which means there is a correlation with the level of relationship is shown the correlation value 0.626 in the strongly category. Therefore, mothers should pay attention to the position of the baby's mouth to be able to do an effective suction and need to fix an optimal milk production with frequent breastfeeding her baby.

 Keywords: baby, breast feeding, partum

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