Marlik ., AT Diana, Sudjarwo .


Third Diploma (DIU) vocational education of Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya graduates medical health
officer who are ready to work, therefore of candidates of new students are qualified prudently through
Investigation Of Interest And Aptitude (PMDP) system (2010 - 2013) which expecting to obtain potential
candidate of new students who have stable achievement, also through Written Test (UTUL) system which
expecting to obtain candidates of new students who are appropriate to the determined standard in order
to be a student who Is able to get achievement, follow the studying process properly , and graduate
competently. The first data shows an average Academic Achievement Index (IP) of first semester from
PMDP system on ProdI DIll of Environmental Health Is 2.995, (2.S8 - 3.79) while average [P of UTUl
system students Is 3.16 (2.37- 3.68). How about the result of the other Prodi D III, Does the same
condition occur?
Therefore a research has been executed to compare the academic achievements of students in Poltekkes
Kemenkes Surabaya, observed from PMDP system and UTUL system on 2011, 2012 and 2013 which the
design is Deoiptive Explorative. Variable of the research are active students who follow all activities of
studying process on 2013/2014 academic year and also their academic achievement (cumulative IP) , then
the data was analyzed descriptively.
Results of research show that from 2.650 active students, consists of 2.278 students (86%) were accepted
through UTUL system, almost all students are female (2213 students I 83%). Observed from the high
school they were graduated from, PMDP system students who are from Senior High School (SMA) is 14%
(310 students) and UTUL system is 86% (1.967 students ), whereas high school status, students who are
from state high school is 13% (258 students) from PMDP system and 87% (2.031 students) from UTUL
Academic achievements of Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya's students show the average of IPK (Cumulative
IP) is 2,94 - 3,00. The comparative analysis shows the range of IPK of all students from all Prodi D III,
that is 1,38-3,96 (from PMDP) and 1,77-3,86 (from UTUL). If we compare the average of the highest IPK
and the maximum IPK shows that most of it comes from PMDP (74% and 52%). And the analysis of the
origin of high school shows that the highest average of IPK comes from Senior high School (SMA) PMDP
except Health Nutrition (Islamic Senior High School (MA) UTUL) , Sidoarjo Nursing (UTUL SMA), Bangkalan
Midwifery (PMDP SMA), and 8ectromedical Enggineering (MA UTUL). And the analysis of school's status
shows that most of the average of the highest IPK comes from State school PMDP except Health Nutrition
(Private school PMDP),Sidoarjo Nursing and Bangkalan Midwifery (State school UTUL).
Based on the results, therefore advlces to the new student's admissions system of Poltekes Kemenkes
Surabaya are must increase the number of male new students especially in Environmental Health major as
the market or the employers demands that sometimes hinted male, PMDP system must be maintained but
still consider the requirements of the higher grades in senior high school (~ 8.0) and 40% proportion of
new students from PMDP is quite appropriate in order to get better IP with narrower distribution. UTUl
system considers UTUL score determinateness / minimal score, not only based on rank. If possible to
maintain candidates of new students whose score is appropriate by opening second admission and second
option. Particularly to students who are from Vocational High School (SMK) or Social Concentration of
Senior High School (SMA IPS) need to be given a matriculation

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