Status Gizi Serta Asupan Lemak dan Energi Pada Pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner Di Instalasi Rawat Inap Kelas I RSUD Sidoarjo

Kunti Nur Royani, Eny Sayuningsih, Nuning Marina Pengge


Coronary Heart Disease
the heart muscle on the provision that is given by vein. In 2013 the period of January to October reached 71
patients with a rating of 4 out of 25 major diseases. This study aims to describe the nutritional status and fat
and energy intake in patients with coronary heart disease in first class room General Hospital of Sidoarjo.
The type of this research is descriptive observation. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling which
fits the requirements from the author. The results from a sample observation of coronary heart disease
patients is 50% overweight nutritional status, then 30% is a obesity status and 20% nutritional status is
normal. For the 70% level of fat consumption needs above categories, 20% of normal category, 10% less of
the needed and 0% deficit. While the level of energy consumption 60% categorized deficit, 20% less, 20%
and 0% above normal requirements.It is concluded 80% of coronary heart disease patients more nourished
with fat intake and energy intake above requirement in the deficit category. From these results, especially
health care workers are expected to further improve the nutrition officer visite counseling and dietary
compliance in order to form so as to improve the nutritional status and fat and energy intake becomes
Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease, Nutritional Status, Fat Intake and Energy Intake

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