Edy Hariyanto, Wisnu - Istanto, Febriani Indah Maya Sari


Today a variety of foods in the household environment known to contain many hazardous materials
as potential toxins in the body, such as food contaminated with harmful chemicals. This can occur
during the processing process, such as for example is that of acidic foods sour vegetables. Some
cases showed pamakaian-based aluminum pans for acidic foods can make the pot more quickly
porous and hollow. In addition, there was a pot on a layer of heavy metal Pb. Acidic foods may
dissolve the heavy metals Pb in the pan. Pb is one of the heavy metals that are toxic to the body.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the levels of Pb contained in tamarind gravy vegetables
are cooked using aluminum pans of heavy metal contamination in accordance with Regulation
BPOM Head in 2009.
This study is a descriptive type of research. Sampling technique using selective techniques stratif
random sampling, which is taken at a restaurant or a shop that cooking with aluminum pans
tamarind vegetables that are represented by several places in the Garden District and selected at
random in the region. Furthermore sour vegetable soup cooked with aluminum pots Pb content
was measured by Atomic Absorption spectrophotometry method (AAS).
The study states that 95% of samples showed Pb levels are still below the normal threshold value
that is below 0.5 ppm, and only 5% of samples exceed the levels of Pb was above the normal limit
is 0.5 ppm.


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