Nadya Lutfi Romadhona, Evy Diah Woelansari, Suhariyadi Suhariyadi


Cytostatic drugs in breast cancer chemotherapy has a function to undermine cancer cells, but chemotherapy
treatment also can affected the anemia by the interference of erythrocyte cells which leading into shortened t he
erythrocyte's age. The erythrocyte index reflect the prevalence rate of anemia. Breast cancer patients who
receiving chemotherapy need to evaluate CA 15-3 levels as monitoring the success of the therapy. Based on
evaluation, rate of CA 15-3 correlated well with the erythrocyte index value and can be used to support t he
diagnose and monitoring the clinical manifestations of anemia. This study aims to determine t he rela tionship
between CA 15-3 levels and erythrocyte index in breast cancer patients while receiving chemotherapy. This
research such an Observational with a Cross Sectional study at the Oncology Center RSUD Dr. Soet omo
Surabaya. Our result in this study were obtained from secondary data and taken from breast cancer pat ient s
who receiving chemotherapy, with 30 female respondents taken in the range of time in Ja nuary 2018 - Ma y
2018. Based on satistical Spearman correlation test there is no correaltion beetween CA 15 -3 levels and
erythrotrocyte index in breast cancer patients who receiving chemotheraphy, we obtained t he result wa s sig
level p > α
(0.05) which meant that H
was accepted.
The conclusion of this study is that there is no correlation
between CA 15- 3 levels and the increase of erythrocyte index values in breast cancer patients who have serve
by 6 cycles of chemotherapy.
Keywords: Breast Cancer; CA 15-3 Levels; Erythrocyte Index; Chemotherapy

Cytostatic drugs in breast cancer chemotherapy has a function to undermine cancer cells, but chemotherapy
treatment also can affected the anemia by the interference of erythrocyte cells which leading into shortened t he
erythrocyte's age. The erythrocyte index reflect the prevalence rate of anemia. Breast cancer patients who
receiving chemotherapy need to evaluate CA 15-3 levels as monitoring the success of the therapy. Based on
evaluation, rate of CA 15-3 correlated well with the erythrocyte index value and can be used to support t he
diagnose and monitoring the clinical manifestations of anemia. This study aims to determine t he rela tionship
between CA 15-3 levels and erythrocyte index in breast cancer patients while receiving chemotherapy. This
research such an Observational with a Cross Sectional study at the Oncology Center RSUD Dr. Soet omo
Surabaya. Our result in this study were obtained from secondary data and taken from breast cancer pat ient s
who receiving chemotherapy, with 30 female respondents taken in the range of time in Ja nuary 2018 - Ma y
2018. Based on satistical Spearman correlation test there is no correaltion beetween CA 15 -3 levels and
erythrotrocyte index in breast cancer patients who receiving chemotheraphy, we obtained t he result wa s sig
level p > α
(0.05) which meant that H
was accepted.
The conclusion of this study is that there is no correlation
between CA 15- 3 levels and the increase of erythrocyte index values in breast cancer patients who have serve
by 6 cycles of chemotherapy.
Keywords: Breast Cancer; CA 15-3 Levels; Erythrocyte Index; Chemotherapy



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