Delima Nur Aini


Fish is one of the food ingredients with high nutritional content and can be processed into processed fish,
namely jambal salted fish, by preserving it through a salting process and a drying process. In addition, there
are other ways, namely adding chemical sundtances such as formaldehyde as a preservative. One way to
overcome this is with turi leaves because they contain saponin compounds that can reduce formaldehyde levels.
This Study aims to analyze the effectiveness of soaking turi leaves on reducing the levels of formaldehyde in
jambal salted fish. This research wa experimental with a post test only control group design. Sampling of salted
jambal fish and turi leaves by purposive sampel. Measurement of the effectiveness of turi leaves on
formaldehyde levels was meadured using the spectrophotometric method at a maximum wavelength of 576 nm.
The data obtained were processed using the Anova One Way statistical data analysis method. The results
showed that the average levels of formaldehyde in control jambal salted fish, jambal salted fish with soaking
turi leaves with concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% were 23.317 mg/L, 20.499 mg/L, 19.665 mg/L,
10.924 mg/L, and 9.633 mg/L. The results showed that the greater the concentration of turi leaves, the lower
formaldehyde levels in salted jambal fish. The most effective concentration is concentration of 40%, because at
that concentration the level of formaldehyde in jambal salted fish is the smallest. Based on the results of the
Annova One Way statistical test, it shows that there is a difference between the control jambal salted fish and
the jambal salted fish by soaking in the turi leaf solution at various concentrations.
Keywords: Jambal salted fish; Formalin; Turi leaves (Sesbania grandiflora); Immersion


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