Korelasi Kadar Trigliserida Dengan Kadar Glukosa Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II

Livia Hibatulla Putri, Edy Haryanto, Syamsul Arifin


Diabetes mellitus type II sufferers have a number of 95% of the world population suffering from diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus can cause disorders of the metabolism of lipids such as triglycerides. Society in the modern era with a lifestyle that is instantaneous many menu choices of foods and ways of life of the less healthy societies such as lack of exercise, eating sugary foods and consume foods high in fat can result in levels of blood glucose will rise along with high levels of triglycerides that are a risk factor for the occurrence of degenerative diseases such as heart and stroke.
The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between levels of triglycerides with glucose levels in people with type II diabetes mellitus. This research is observational research laboratory with cross sectional approach. Samples obtained for purposive sampling on patients of diabetes mellitus in Gresik square Health Center. The sample used is the result of a patient's serum was measured by using spectrophotometer biolyzer 100. This research was conducted on 25 June – 02 July 2018.
Based on the results of research conducted towards the 20 patients of diabetes mellitus in the clinic in Gresik square test pearson correlations obtained significant results with results less than α (0.05) i.e. 0.001 < 0.05 which means that it can be said the existence of a relationship between the results of the examination of triglycerides and fasting blood glucose. Pearson correlation value has a value of 0.662 level that can be said of the correlation between the value of the examination of the levels of triglycerides and fasting blood glucose levels including categories strong correlation. Thus it can be concluded that the existence of the relationship between blood glucose levels with the levels of triglycerides in people with type II diabetes mellitus.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Triglyceride, Blood Glucose


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