Vivin Tri Wahyuni, Triwiyanto ., Anjar Pudji


In finding clinical signs of disease, medical experts have to measured a body temperature
using a thermometer. The measurements can be divided several assessment standards, such as:
normal, hyperthermi, hypothermL Thermometers are often used are mercury and digital
thermometers, which means its use in direct contact with the patient's skin that can lead to the
possibility of transmission of viral diseases or which still stick to the thermometer even after
sterilization. Based on the importance of monitoring changes in the patient's temperature,
especially dangerous and contagious disease, it is necessary to minimize remote thermometer
infectious diseases. This thermometer utilizes infrared energy released by the body temperature of
the patient to read.And to make it easier to know the temperature of assessment standards, required
diagnosticsdisplay the measurement results of temperatureon the thermometer.
To overcome these problems, this research made "Forehead thermometer equipped
diagnostic display measurement results in body temperature with distance measuring 8 em" using
MLX90614 sensor as passive infrared sensors are enabled to receive infrared energy from the
forehead. In the research and manufacture of the modules using the experimental method with pre
- draft After Only Design is the tool that makes the measurement results compared with the
forehead thermometer that has been traceableto obtain a high degreeof accuracy in a tool made.
Based on data retrieval in body temperature compared to the "Digital Infrared Forehead
Thermometer" obtained average error value of 0,31% at a distance of 8cm. After the tests the
system as a whole tool can be used in accordancewith thefunction andpurpose.
Keywords: Temperature, Passive Infrared Sensor

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