Hermanto ., Bedjo Utomo


Maximum maintenance cost calculation program (Maximum Maintenance Expenditure Limit = MMEL) is a program that used the Management Regional General Hospital Pamekasan to prevent the maintenance cost is greater than the value of the tool.

The problem is during this planning tool maintenance is done by using a percentage of the value of procurement of medical equipment directly, resulting in maintenance costs will be greater than the value of the tool.

Program Cost Calculations made with Maximum Maintenance (Maintenance Expenditure Limit = Maximum MMEL) is expected to prevent the cost of maintenance is greater than the value after the depreciation of equipment, so maintenance costs can be seefesien possible, by using this program will obtain the appropriate maintenance fee with the remaining useful life and can be done quickly, carefully and precisely. The language used in this pemprogramam is Delphi 7, because this program is very flexible developed for the manufacture of various computer applications, including the Maintenance Program Maximum Cost Calculations.

Process of Program Cost Calculations Maximum Maintenance (Maintenance Expenditure Limit = Maximum MMEL) is the process of data collection tools such as data name tool, the room, no series, type tools, pricing tools, years of use, and technical devices age, which is then carried out calculations on the data The tool then obtained the value of the lifetime, the remaining useful life, the value of benefits and mmel of these tools in order to obtain a conclusion on whether the repair tool is necessary or not.

Program Cost Calculations made Maximum Maintenance (Maintenance Expenditure Limit = Maximum MMEL) is generally expected to assist the Management hospitals in the process of calculating and making decisions about the cost of maintenance, whether it is feasible to do repairs or not (buy new equipment).

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