Putri Nursuma Dewi, Darjati ., Demes Nurmayanti


RSUDR. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro is a grade B government hospital operating a number of health
facilities and beds, therefore it generates large amount of solid medical wastes. A preliminary survey found
that there were some issues, such as that officers did not wear full PPE,plastic bags for medical waste that is
not in accordance with the guidelines were being used, and combustion residue from the incinerator were
directly dumped into a landfill. The study aimed to describe the management of solid medical wastes in RSUD
R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro.
This is a descriptive type of study, involving several variables to be researched including the generation,
sources and types, amount (weight), temporary storage facility, collection methods, 'transportation,
destruction, factors that affect amount of waste generated and factors that support the management of solid
medical waste. Primary data were obtained from through observations, interviews, measurement of the
amount (weight) of solid medical waste; as well as relevant secondary data. Presentation of data are mostly in
the form of tabulation and analyzed descriptively with 80% compliance standard.
The result showed that solid medical wastes originated from health care activities (infectious wastes, sharps,
pathological matters, radioactive, and pharmaceutical wastes). The largest amount turned out to be medical
and infectious wastes (± 139.04 kgs/day) and the smallest amount of waste was pharmaceutical wastes (0.07
kgs/day); these are influenced by the number vicitors, the number of patients and number of services seeked
and provided. Medical waste management made a score of 73.9% (below standard) and smallest percentages
were found in the organizational factors, manpower, equipments and record keeping, costs and budgets,
regulations and legal foundation.
The study concluded that RSUD R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro is below standard (73.9%). The
Hospital was adviced to treat combustion ashes before disposal to landfill, conduct monitoring of toxic
chemicals, to sort medical solid wastes according to its type, replacing waste bins according to the
requirements, use proper color plastic bags in accordance with the guidelines.

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