Cicick Dwi Cahyati, Rachmaniah ., Margono .


TPA Benowo is a final disposal site for solid wastes generated by Surabaya community, located at Kelurahan
Romokalisari, Kecamatan Benowo Kota Surabaya. Every day nearly 1,200 tonnes of wastes are thrown into
TPA Benowo. This site was prepared with a land of approximately 39,7 hectares. The recent problem
encountered by TPA Benowo is the leachate from the dump site that is normally discharge into Kali Lamong,
now it turned out that such leachate is far above the allowable limit. Water is said to be turbid if it contains
large amount of suspended particles. Reduction of turbidity is normally done by filtering it through sand
media. Clampshells offer an alternative for use as water filter media.
This was a quasi-experimental study, using three different diameter, 1 mm, 0,5 mm, 0,3 mm. As much as 24
samples were examined in this study, they were grouped into prior-to and after treatment groups, and a
control group Sampling was performed in the morning to avoid excessive sunlight. Water was filtered through
on the same day, and followed by shipment to the laboratory right away. Data were tabulized, processedinto
graphs, to facilitate descriptive analyses.
The study found that one particular clampshell, kerang Tothok, at a diameter of 1 mm was proven to be most
effective during treatment C, marked as 94,5% with recorded detention time of 90 minutes. Those having
diameter of 0,5 mm is most effective during treatment C, marked at 95,8 % with recorded detention time of
90 minutes. The 0,3 mm diameter is most effective at treatment C, marked at 85,7 % with recorded detention
time of 90 minutes. The study concluded that the most effective diameter as a clampshell granules filter
media is 0.5 mm, with reduction of 369.62 NTU or 95,8%. Further investigation is needed to learn the
appropriate thickness of the clampshell granule filter.

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