Dyah Kusuma Restienti, Waluyo Jati, Marlik .


Waste management is a systematic activity, thorough and covering unfinished simultaneous reduction and
waste management. Waste management is not only done at the household level but also performed for an
educational institution that is in elementary school. waste management program is one of the primary school
k tire waste. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of waste bank management in
educational institutionsof Elementary School in the District Sukolillo Surabaya.
This study includes a descriptive study. Data collected by measuring, observations, questionnaires and
interviews. The sample in this study there are four primary schoolsthat run programs waste bank.
The results of research on the 4 primary schools found that the source of waste collected to the school comes
from two places, namely home and school. Types of waste collected include plastic bottles, waste paper, old
newspapers. used plastic bottle caps, beverage glass former, the former color plastic, former color plastic,
former glass bottles, cardboard and a small former used beverage cans. Waste buildup for each day is
different on the 4th. For maximum paper waste obtained at 9.400 gr / 30 days and obtained a minimum of 0
gr / 30 pant and plastic waste obtained at 7,300 g / day and minimum 30 acquired 200 g / 30 pant.
Mechanism of action of waste bank on 4th still less qualified predefined the Minister Regulation LH No. 13 In
2012. The waste bank mechanism work point that has not qualified for the activity that is the result of the
sale between p e and depositors of banks like waste. Student involvement in waste management is only part
of the student involved. The level of knowledge of the bank responsible for managing the waste is still there
that have category enough. Responsiblefor managing the waste bank's actions still worth less good.
It is recommended that each elementary school are encouraged to bring waste from home. Working with the
Waste Bank independently that kind of waste collected more varied kinds Limiting students in using plastic
and paper should be an increase in the bank management waste bank to the mechanism of action in
accordance with Minister Regulation LH No. 13 Year 2012 Solicitation for all students to be able to manage
the waste so that it can be applied at home

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v13i1.77


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