Nada Awang Abdillah, Erna Tri Astuti, Sudjarwo .


One of the rooms with very high risk of disease transmission in a hospital is the operating
room.The government through the Minister of Health Decree No. 1204/MENKES/SK/X/2004on Hospital
Environmental Health Requirements, has placed operating rooms as a very high risk zone. Among other
things, air quality (bacterial count) is very important to note since the rooms are used for surgical
procedures requiring extremely sterile conditions. This study was aimed at determining the air quality
(bacterial count) in operating rooms at Dr. M. Soewandhie Hospital of Surabaya in 2014.
This was a descriptive study, conducted in Dr. M. Soewandhie hospital. Samples were taken from
all operating rooms, RO 1 (one), RO 2 (two), RO 3 (three), RO4 (four) and RO 5 (five). Variables to be
examined induded air microbiological quality as reflected in the bacterial count, temperature and humidity
measurements, assessment of building and construction cleaning and sterilization processes on operating
The results showed, that bacterial counts in RO 1 was 14 cfu/m3, RO 2 63 cfu/m3, RO 3 23
cfu/m3, RO4 19 cfu/m3, these four rooms did not meet the requirement, the only room that satisfied the
requirement was RO 5 as much as 5 cfu/m3. Temperature and humidity in RO 1 to RO 3 were at the
same value of 200e and 68%, RO4 was 21.50e and 59%, RO 5 was 210e and 60%. In terms of room
temperature, all rooms were satisfactory, but in term of humidity, only RO4 was satisfactory. Results of
building and room assessment were: RO 1 80%, RO 2 80%, RO3 84%, RO4 74% and RO 5 70%. It
can be conduded that RO4 and RO 5 did not satisfy the standard. In terms of cleaning processes, RO 1
to RO 3 were found equal at the percentage of 75%, while RO 4 and RO 5 was also equal at the
percentage of 65%.
Among the five operating rooms at Soewandhie hospital of Surabaya, four of them have exceeded
the bacterial count designated as the air quality standard . It is therefore recommended to perform
sterilization with UV(ultraviolet) before and after each surgery; to provide an exhaust fan in RO4 and RO
5, to ensure conical meeting between the floors and walls of the ROs, installation of ceramic tiles on the
wall of RO 5, keeping the operating room doors closed at all times, maintenance of air conditioning units
and exhaust fans at least every 6 months to check up on the condition of the utilities and to develop and
implement standard operational procedures for cleaning and sterilization of process of cleaning the
operating rooms.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v12i2.68


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