Road traffic is the main source of noise that disturb most urban communities. One source of
traffic noise is exhaust pipes of motor vehicles.
This study was concentrated on RT 02 and RT 03 (RW 02) and RT 01 and RT 03 (RW 03) at
Sidomulyo village Krian district Sidoarjo regency. The aims of this study were measuring traffic noise
intensity, Identifing public complaints (such as: physiological disturbances, psychological disorders and
communication disorders) against noise, and analyzing the effect of traffic noise on public complaints level
along the Soenandar Priyo Sudarmo street. The sample included housewives who stayed at home almost
all day long and their age are under 55 years old. The total sample to be studied was 174 respondents. In
this descriptive study the samples were drawn by simple stratified sampling.
Researchindicated that the lowest noise was in the evening at 28 meters distance from the side
of the road that was 70 dB( A).The highest noise level was acquired a house located 3.5 meters from the
roadside that was 81.3 dB(A). Among the 174 respondents interviewed the study discovered 174
complaints. These complaints as expressed by 174 respondents were as follow ,91 people or 52.30 %
expressed heavy complaints as they experienced it and 35 people or 20.1% have light complaints
Conclusions drawn from these studies included the facts that noise caused some forms of
complaints such as physiological disturbances, psychological disorders and communication disorders. The
noise level measured along the Soenandar Priyo Sudarmo street was in violation of the standard applicable
to residential areas as suggested by Indonesian Health Ministry decree, KepMenKes RI No.
829/MENKES/SK/VII/1999, that it should not exceed 55 d8(A). The study suggested that people living
along the side of a highway fumish their homes with some kinds of noise silencer to reduce the noise
generated by motor vehicles passing through that particular street
traffic noise is exhaust pipes of motor vehicles.
This study was concentrated on RT 02 and RT 03 (RW 02) and RT 01 and RT 03 (RW 03) at
Sidomulyo village Krian district Sidoarjo regency. The aims of this study were measuring traffic noise
intensity, Identifing public complaints (such as: physiological disturbances, psychological disorders and
communication disorders) against noise, and analyzing the effect of traffic noise on public complaints level
along the Soenandar Priyo Sudarmo street. The sample included housewives who stayed at home almost
all day long and their age are under 55 years old. The total sample to be studied was 174 respondents. In
this descriptive study the samples were drawn by simple stratified sampling.
Researchindicated that the lowest noise was in the evening at 28 meters distance from the side
of the road that was 70 dB( A).The highest noise level was acquired a house located 3.5 meters from the
roadside that was 81.3 dB(A). Among the 174 respondents interviewed the study discovered 174
complaints. These complaints as expressed by 174 respondents were as follow ,91 people or 52.30 %
expressed heavy complaints as they experienced it and 35 people or 20.1% have light complaints
Conclusions drawn from these studies included the facts that noise caused some forms of
complaints such as physiological disturbances, psychological disorders and communication disorders. The
noise level measured along the Soenandar Priyo Sudarmo street was in violation of the standard applicable
to residential areas as suggested by Indonesian Health Ministry decree, KepMenKes RI No.
829/MENKES/SK/VII/1999, that it should not exceed 55 d8(A). The study suggested that people living
along the side of a highway fumish their homes with some kinds of noise silencer to reduce the noise
generated by motor vehicles passing through that particular street
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v12i2.67
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