KADAR ELEKTROLIT DALAM DARAH PADA TENAGA KERJA YANG TERPAPAR PANAS (Studi Kasus Pada Bagian Welding Di PT. DOK Dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero) Tahun 2016)

Fitria Alfiatus Solikhah, Hadi Suryono, Rusmiati .


Electrolytes are salts that ionized or broken down into positive and negative ions in the body. The
function of liquid electrolytes in the body is to maintain the structure of the cells through osmotic effects and as
an integral part of the process of cellular metabolism.
This research used descriptive method by observation, interviews and measurements to determine
electrolytes blood level on the working labors. Samplings were acquired by using random sampling of 18 samples
from 27 populations.
From the research, the majority of respondents age > 40 years (88.9%), length of working > 5 years
(88.9%), drinking water intake > 2 liters (61.1%), electrolyte levels were Imbalance (72.2 %), working climate
was 31C.
The conclusion of this study that the characteristics of employment and levels of electrolyte did not
affect the health of the working labors. Therefore, the company was suggested to add natural or artificial
ventilation thus the working climate in the workshop rooms would be comfortable.
Keywords : electrolytes, hot climate, welding, personal protective equipment

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v15i1.567


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