ANALISIS FAKTOR RISIKO PERILAKU TERHADAP KEJADIAN TB PARU {Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Wonoayu Kabupaten Sidoarjo Tahun 2013)

Madinatul Rahmah, Siti Surasri, Suprijandani .


Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a directly 'transmitted disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, Besides home environment sanitation factor, Pulmonary Tuberculosis occurence is alo related to behavior. Based on an observation conducted to the people behavior in Wonoayu District, those disobeying Pulmonary Tuberculosis healing make Pulmonary Tuberculosis bacteria resistant in the body.

Paople behavior contributes in Pulmonary Tuberculosis spreading and failure in complete healing, so in each year there are always new cases recorded. The aim of this study is to find out the behavior factor running the risk of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the working area of Wonoayu Health Center in 2013.

This study was case control analytical study. The object of this sytudy was all patients of positive ARB (Acid Resistant Bacillus) Pulmonary Tuberculosis until april 2013 and the control was the neighbors living around the patients house certified not suffering from positive ARB Pulmonary Tuberculosis the workinq area of Wonoayu Health Center, respectively for 13 persons.

From the study, it was obtained that most of case group of s 50 year old respondents (53,8%), male(76,9%), having occupation with high risk (76,9%), graduated from Senior High Schooll Vocational High Schoo (38,5%), earning < lOR 1.720.000 (76,9%), with insuffcient knowledge (53,8%), well behaving

(53,8%) and having insuffcient action (53,8%). While the control group was S 50 year old respondents (76,9%), male (53.,8%), having occupation with high risk (53,8%), graduated from Junior High School and Senior High SchoolNocational High School (38,5%), earning < lOR 1.720.000 (76,9%), with good knowledge (69,2%),well behaving (76,9%) and having insuffcient action (69,2%). Based on Odds Ratio calculation, those with insuffcient knowledge had 2,6 times of more risk to be suffered from Pulmonary Tuberculosis disease than those with good knowledge. Those with less behavior had 2,8 times of more risk to be suffered from Pulmonary Tuberculosis than those with good behavior. Those with insuffcient action had 2,6 times of more risk to be suffered from Pulmonary Tuberculosis than those with good action. It is recommended to the Wonoayu Health Center to conduct instigations to increase the knowledge, the Pulmonary Tuberculosis patient to get medical treatment until being completely healed (it is a very important affort), and not to spit anywhere.

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