FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN KECELAKAAN KERJA (Studi Pada Tenaga Kerja Bagian Produksi PT. Arto Metal Internasional Sidoarjo)

Havilia Ayu Haznany, Winarko .


PT Arto Metal International is one of the metal components manufacturers, where the
production processes are using machinaries which its operations may lead to accidents. One of
the effects that can be caused by the production machines might happen if workers are not
careful, they might got pinched by plong engine, etched plates and exposed debris grams.
Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of workplace
accidents in this company.
The methods used in this study were analytical methods, because this research
examined the relationship between 2 (two) variables. Based on its times, this study was
categorized as cross-sectional study, due to variables such as risk factors and effect factors
were observed at the same time. Sampling technique was done by simple random sampling,
and analysis was used to determine the relationship between 2 (two) variables using Chi Square.
The results showed that employees injured at workplace as much as 94.3%. The
results of analysis of Chi - Square showed that there were four variables significantly
associated with the incidence of workplace accidents, they were the use of PPD to the
incidence of occupational injuries (p value = 0.025), the level of knowledge to the incidence of
occupational injuries (p value = 0.047), the ages to the incidence of occupational injuries (p
value 0.025) and the length of services to the incidence of occupational injuries (p value
Therefore, it is suggested that the company perform incident controlling actions
whether technically, administratively as well as adding a number of Personal Protective
Devices (PPD) for workers so that all workers can use it while working.
Keywords: Workplace Accident, Personal Protective Devices

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v11i2.190


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