Ernawati ., Budi Yulianto, Lilis Prihastini


Tempura is a kind of snack well liked by children because they are delicious and its inexpensive.
Being so inexpensive there is always a possibility that some aspects of food quality are compromised. This
research was intended to learn on the quality of tempura snacks on the basis of their physical, chemical
and microbiological aspects.
This was considered as a descriptive research, focusing on the quality of tempura snacks sold by
vendors in the vicinity of SON Bogem I, to be riviewed from physical aspects (color, smell, taste, and
texture), chemical (borax and formalin) and microbiological aspects (bacterial count). The population to be
studied were all tempura snacks sold by vendors in the vicinity of SON Bogem I. In this research 3 samples
of tempura snacks were taken. These samples were selected using simple random sampling. .
The result indicated that the physical quality of all sample were poor. On inspection of chemical
quality all samples were positive for borax and formalin contents. Examination of the bacterial count on
samples tempura snacks resulted in a mean of sample 1 as 493.3 colonies/gram, sample 2 was 133.7
colonies/gram and sample 3 was 560 colonies/gram. Therefore, according the quality standard desionated
in Surat Keputusan Kepala Badan POM RI No. HK. Tahun 2009 Tentang Penetapan Batas
Cemaran Mikroba dan Kimla Oalam Makanan, that is 100,000 colonies/gram, this meant that sample 2
exceeded the limit.
This research concluded that based on their physical, chemical and microbiological aspects,
tempura snacks sold by vendors in the vicinity of SON Bogem I, kecamatan Sukomoro kabupaten Magetan
should be disqualified for consumption. The study is warning the community to be more selective and
taking a good care in buying of snacks, specially of tempura snacks.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36568/kesling.v12i3.118


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