Nur Aini Lutfi Rahmawati, M.Khafid, Padoli




Saat pertama kali didiagnosis kanker, respons psikologis muncul bervariasi dari rasa takut terutama akan kematian, cemas, depresi, marah, penyangkalan, putus asa sampai dengan keinginan untuk bunuh diri. Kenyataannya di Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) Surabaya klien kanker juga mengalami kecemasan berhubungan dengan kehilangan nafsu makan, nyeri yang berasal dari penyakit kanker yang di derita dan depresi yang berhubungan dengan masalah-masalah terkait finansial, ketakutan akan kematian. Untuk mengatasi respon psikologis klien kanker dengan terapi progressive muscle relaxation. Terapi tersebut belum pernah diterapkan pada klien kanker yang mengalami kecemasan dan depresi di Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) Surabaya. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi progressive muscle relaxation terhadap penurunan kecemasan dan depresi pada klien kanker. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian  pra-eksperimental yaitu one-group pra-post test design dengan besar sampel 27 orang klien kanker, menggunakan probabily sampling dengan teknik simple random sampling. variabel independen adalah terapi progressive muscle relaxation dan variabel dependen adalah kecemasan dan depresi pada klien kanker. Menggunakan kuesioner Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), dianalisis menggunakan uji Wilcoxon sign test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum di berikan terapi progressive muscle relaxation hampir seluruhnya sedang (81,5%) mengalami kecemasan dan depresi sedang dan berat (18,5%). Setelah di berikan terapi progressive muscle relaxation sebagian besar 18 klien (66,7%) mempunyai kecemasan dan depresi sedang ringan (33,3%).  Penerapan terapi progressive muscle relaxation menurunkan kecemasan dan depresi pada klien kanker ρ= 0,001 (ρ<0,05). Terapi progressive muscle relaxation  direkomendasikan sebagai terapi keperawatan komplementer dalam merawat klien kanker yang mengalami ansietas dan depresi.


Kata kunci : Ansietas, depresi, progressive muscle relaxation




               When first diagnosed with cancer, the psychological response appeared varied from fear, especially death, anxiety, depression, anger, denial, despair until the desire to commit suicide. In fact in Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) Surabaya, cancer patient’s also experience anxiety associated with loss of appetite, pain from the cancer in the suffering and depression associated with financial related problems, fear of death. To overcome the psychological response of cancer patients with progressive muscle relaxation therapy. They have not been applied in cancer patients who experience anxiety and depression in Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (YKI) Surabaya. This research purposes to determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation therapy to decrease anxiety and depression in cancer patients. This study uses the pre-experimental research design that is a one-group pre-post test design with a sample size of 27 patients with cancer, using probabily sampling with simple random sampling technique. the independent variable is progressive muscle relaxation therapy and the dependent variable was anxiety and depression in cancer patients. Using questionnaires Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), were analyzed using Wilcoxon sign test. The results of the study showed that before progressive muscle relaxation therapy were almost moderate (81.5%) experiencing anxiety and moderate and severe depression (18.5%). After progressive muscle relaxation therapy, 18 clients (66.7%) had moderate anxiety and depression (33.3%). The application of progressive muscle relaxation therapy decreased anxiety and depression in cancer clients ρ = 0.001 (ρ <0.05). Progressive muscle relaxation therapy is recommended as a complementary nursing therapy in treating cancer clients with anxiety and depression. Keywords: Anxiety, depression, progressive muscle relaxation

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