Moch .Jasir, Tuty Putri Sri Muljati S, Andi Suhariyanto




Karyawan merupakan faktor dominan yang berperan dalam meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Kinerja karyawan antara lain dipengaruhi  maturitas dan manajerial. Keberhasilan organisasi dipengaruhi oleh gaya kepemimpinan,  maturitas dan kinerja  karyawan.  Tujuan penelitian   secara  umum adalah menganalisis pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan maturitas karyawan terhadap kinerja Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey dengan teknik korelasional. Sampel adalah sebagian  karyawan di lingkungan Jurusan dan Direktorat Polekkes Kemenkes Surabaya sebanyak   220 orang yang diambil menggunakan Proportionate stratifed random sampling. Variabel independen penelitian adalah maturitas dan Gaya Kepemimpinan. Variabel dependennya kinerja karyawan. Instrumen yang dipergunakan adalah kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Gaya Kepemimpinan di Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya  adalah  sebanyak 38 % Konsultatif.   Maturitas Karyawan terbanyak pada Matur 4 sebesar 34 % yang terbanyak tersebar di jurusan Kesling (38%) dan Keperawatan (37%). Kinerja karyawan  yang  tinggi  sebesar 53%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan (p=0,002<α=0,05). Kinerja karyawan yang tinggi pada gaya kepemimpinan konsultatif (66,7%). Terdapat pengaruh maturitas terhadap Kinerja karyawan (p=0,000<α=0,05).  Kinerja rendah terbanyak pada karyawan maturitas di level matur 1 (80%). Sedangkan kinerja tinggi pada karyawan dengan level matur 4   sebesar 77,5%.  Te r dap at  Pen ga ru h  ga ya  k epem im p ina n  dan  ma tu r i tas  t e r hadap K i n erj a Ka r ya wa n (p=0,000<α=0,05).


Kata- kata Kunci : Gaya Kepemimpinan, maturitas, kinerja, karyawan




Employees are the dominant factors that play a role in improving organizational performance. Employee performance is influenced maturity and managerial. The success of an organization is influenced by leadership style, maturity and performance of employees. The research objective is to analyze the influence of the general style of leadership and maturity to the performance employees of polytechnic the Ministry of Health (MoH) Surabaya. Research using survey methods with a correlation technique. Samples are mostly employees of the Department and the Directorate of the Ministry of Health Polekkes Surabaya total of 220 people were taken using stratifed Proportionate random sampling. Research independent variable is maturity and leadership style. Dependent variable employee performance. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis using regression test. The results showed Leadership Style in polytechnic MoH Surabaya is as much as 38% consultative. Employees at the highest maturity Matur 4 by 34% the largest spread in the department of environmental health (38%) and nursing (37%). High employee performance by 53%. The results showed the influence of leadership styles on employee performance (p = 0.002 <α = 0,05). High employee performance on a consultative leadership style (66.7%). There is a maturing influence on employee performance (p = 0.000 <α =

0,05). Low performance on employees most mature level of maturity in 1 (80%). While high on employee performance with mature level 4 by 77.5%. There is a style of leadership and maturity effect on Employee Performance (p = 0.000 <α = 0,05).


Key words: Leadership Style, maturity, performance, employees

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