Irine Christiany, Kiaonarni OW, Nur Hatijah, Dias Risky W




Premenopause  merupakan  masa  sebelum  menopause  ketika  ovarium  berhenti  memproduksi  telur. Berbagai perubahan fisik dan psikis terjadi pada masa ini, ditandai dengan berhentinya sirkulasi haid, diikuti melemahnya organ reproduksi dan muncul tanda-tanda penuaan sehingga berdampak terhadap psikis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sikap wanita dalam menghadapi perubahan fisik, psikis dan mekanisme koping di RT VII RW V Kelurahan Kemayoran Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah  semua wanita usia 40-55 tahun yang mengalami premenopause di RT VII RW V Kelurahan Kemayoran  Surabaya. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 20 pasien. Data yang telah diperoleh kemudian diolah menggunakan tabulasi distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sikap wanita yang menerima perubahan fisik pada saat premenopause sebanyak 14 orang (70%), yang menerima perubahan psikologis pada saat premenopause sebanyak 15 orang (75%), dan yang menerima dalam menghadapi mekanisme koping sebesar

75%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan peran serta perawat dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang premenopause kepada masyarakat.

Kata-kata kunci: sikap, premenopause




Premenopausal a time before menopause when the ovaries stop producing eggs. Various physical and psychological changes occur during this period, marked by the cessation of menstruation circulation, followed by the weakening of reproductive organs and there are signs of aging that impact on the psyche. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude of the woman in the face of changes in the physical, psychological and coping mechanisms in RT VII RW V Kemayoran Surabaya village. The method used descriptive. The population in this study were all women aged 40-55 years who are premenopausal at RT VII RW V Kemayoran Surabaya village. The total sample of 20 patients. The data have been acquired and processed using the tabulation frequency distribution. The results showed: the attitude of the woman who receives physical changes during premenopausal many as 14 people (70%), who received psychological changes during the premenopausal many as 15 people (75%), and who received the coping mechanisms in the face by 75%. Based on the results of this study are expected role of the nurse to provide health education to the community about premenopausal.


Key words: attitudes, premenopausa

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