Hilmi Yumni, Baiq Dewi, Hasyim As’ari



Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model dengan pendekatan Social Ecological Model of Health Behavior pada level intrapersonal, interpersonal, dan komunitas dengan mengintegrasikan self efficacy pada level intrapersonal, konsep social support pada level interpersonal dan komunitas untuk menjelaskan perilaku dalam rangka pencapaian Millenium  Development Goals pada tujuan 5 dengan indikator perilaku kunjungan antenatal baik K1 maupun K4 serta rencana pertolongan persalinan baik tempat melahirkan maupun penolong persalinan. Jenis penelitian observasional, desain analitik/eksplanatif, cross sectional, jumlah sampel 100 ibu hamil yang melakukan kunjungan antenatal care di Puskesmas Krembangan Selatan Surabaya, simple random sampling, analisis data secara deskriptif dan inferensial, menggunakan model persamaan struktural (Structural Equation Modelling) dengan soft ware AMOS. Pengembangan model social ecological model of health behavior terhadap perilaku pencapaian MDG’s 5 melalui faktor yang dominan menyusun model adalah faktor intrapersonal yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan self efficacy, factor interpersonal meliputi dukungan keluarga dan factor komunitas meliputi dukungan kader kesehatan. Hasil pengujian model goodness of fit diketahui bahwa model yang dihasilkan merupakan model yang layak digunakan dalam interpretasi model karena telah memiliki kriteria kecocokan model yang dihasilkan dengan data empiris penelitian. Model pengembangan social ecological model of health behavior dapat digunakan untuk menyusun strategi intervensi dalam pelayanan antenatal care yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan, membentuk sikap dan self efficacy melalui berbagai kegiatan seperti dalam kelas prenatal atau kelompok senam  hamil serta pelibatan keluarga dan kader kesehatan dalam pendampingan ibu hamil sampai nifas.

 Kata-kata Kunci: social ecological model, MDG’s 5, intrapersonal, interpersonal, komunitas. 



               This study aims to develop a model approach to the Social Ecological Model of Health Behavior at the level of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and community by integrating self-efficacy at the level of intrapersonal, the concept of social support at the level of interpersonal and community to explain the behavior in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 5 goals with behavioral indicators of antenatal visits both K1 and K4 as well as aid delivery plan both place of birth and birth attendant. Observational study design, analytic / eksplanatif, cross-sectional sample of 100 pregnant women who visit antenatal care at the health center Krembangan South Surabaya, simple random sampling, data analysis descriptive and inferential, using structural equation modeling (Structural Equation Modelling) with soft ware AMOS. Development of the social model of ecological models of health behavior to the behavior of the achievement of MDG 5 by the dominant factor is the factor intrapersonal construct a model that includes the knowledge, attitude and self efficacy, interpersonal factors include family support and community factors include support for health cadres. Results of model testing goodness of fit is known that the resulting model is a model that is fit for use in the interpretation of the model because it has a model fit the criteria of empirical data generated by the study. The model of development of social ecological models of health behavior can be used to develop intervention strategies in antenatal care is increasing knowledge, forming attitudes and self-efficacy through various activities such as the prenatal classes or groups pregnancy exercise as well as the involvement of families and health workers in counseling pregnant women to post partum.

 Keywords: social ecological models, MDG 5, intrapersonal, interpersonal, community.

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