RELAKSASI AUTOGENIK MENURUNKAN KECEMASAN PASIEN KANKER SERVIKS (Autogenic Relaxation decrease Anxiety In Patients with cervical cancer)




Individuals with cervical cancer may experience anxiety because of the prolonged illness and not easy to be healed. One of the efforts to reduce anxiety is through autogenic relaxation (AT).

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of autogenic relaxation on anxiety in cervical cancer patients at Puskesmas Pacar Keling, Puskesmas Balongsari and Puskesmas Rangkah Surabaya with pre experimental research design: one group pre-post test design. The sample consist of 15 persons given autogenic relaxation for two weeks. Samples were selected by consecutive sampling. Data collection was done by measuring the level of anxiety based on the questionnaire before and the intervention. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.

The results show that there is significant effect on anxiety reduction in cervical cancer patients before and after autogenic relaxation intervention with p= 0.011 (p< 0.05). The conclusion of the research is that autogenic relaxation effects on anxiety in patients with cervical cancer. Further studies need to be done with more samples and laboratory testing through β Endorphin examination in order to obtain a comprehensive measurement result.

Keywords: Autogenic relaxation, anxiety, self-efficacy, cervical cancer

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