Dwi Himmatu Nadiva Adin Muafiro




Luka kanker setelah operasi mastektomi dapat menghambat dan merusak pembuluh darah tipis di jaringan kulit dan menimbulkan cairan luka atau eksudat yang banyak serta nekrosis. Untuk menghindari infeksi dan mempercepat proses penutupan luka kanker payudara post mastektomi, maka dilakukan intervensi perawatan luka di RSU Haji Surabaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui perkembangan proses penyembuhan luka kanker payudara post mastektomi setelah dilakukan perawatan luka. Luka kanker payudara post mastektomi dapat di kaji menggunakan penampilan klinis, luas dan ukuran luka, kehilangan jaringan, produksi eksudat, serta perdarahan. Penelitian ini berupa deskriptif dalam bentuk studi kasus. 17 klien kanker sebagai subyek penelitian yang diambil dengan sampling aksidental.. Variabel penelitian dalam penelitian adalah luka kanker, yang terbagi dalam sub variabel, yaitu penampilan klinis, ukuran luka, kehilangan jaringan, eksudat, dan perdarahan pada luka kanker post mastektomi. masing-masing klien dilakukan observasi keadaan luka kanker post mastektomi yang telah dilakukan perawatan luka, kemudian di observasi perkembangan keadaan luka kanker 5 sampai 6 hari setelah perawatan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian yaitu terdapat perubahan dalam hal penampilan klinis luka, produksi eksudat, dan perdarahan. Terdapat perkembangan setelah dilakukan intervensi  perawatan luka terhadap perkembangan keadaan luka kanker payudara post mastektomi. Perawatan luka berpengaruh pada perkembangan keadaan luka kanker payudara post mastektomi, terutama perubahan penampilam klinis dan mengurangi produksi eksudat serta perdarahan. Diharapkan perawat memberikan pelayanan perawatan luka secara aseptik kepada klien, agar luka tidak terjadi infeksi dan mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka dan klien rutin kontrol untuk dilakukan rawat luka.


Kata Kunci :  Perawatan Luka, Mastektomi






Cancerous lesions after mastectomy can obstruct and damage the thin blood vessels in the skin tissue and result in excessive wound fluid or exudate and necrosis. To avoid infection and speed up the process of post-mastectomy post-mastectomy breast cancer wound closure, wound care interventions were carried out at RSU Haji Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of post-mastectomy post-mastectomy breast cancer wound healing process after wound treatment. Post mastectomy breast cancer wounds can be assessed using the clinical appearance, size and size of the wound, tissue loss, exudate production, and bleeding. This research is descriptive in the form of case studies. 17 cancer clients as research subjects were taken by accidental sampling. The research variable in this study was cancer wounds, which were divided into sub-variables, namely clinical appearance, wound size, tissue loss, exudate, and bleeding in post mastectomy cancer wounds. Each client was subjected to observation of the state of post-mastectomy cancer wounds that had been treated with wounds, then the progression of cancer wounds was observed 5 to 6 days after previous treatment. The results showed that there were changes in the clinical appearance of wounds, exudate production, and bleeding. There are developments after the intervention of wound care on the development of post-mastectomy breast cancer wounds. Wound care affects the development of post-mastectomy breast cancer lesions, especially changes in clinical appearance and reduces exudate production and bleeding. It is hoped that the nurse will provide aseptic wound care services to clients, so that the wound does not become infected and accelerates the wound healing process and the client is routinely controlled for wound care.


Keywords: Wound Care, Mastectomy

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