Sriami ., Nolo Sulasmi, Luthfi Amri Rokhmi


Acute Respiratory Infection ( ARI ) is one of the most common causes of death in children in
developing countries. Acute respiratory tract infections have led to four of the 15 million estimate causes
of death in children under 5 years of age. Factors - factors that affect the incidence of ARI among others,
lack of nutrients, age < 2 months, LBW, not breastfeeding adequate ( non- exclusive) , air pollution,
environmental rundown, immunization, and devisiensi vitamin A. The purpose of this study was to analyze
differences in the incidence of ARI in children aged 1-4 years between exclusively breastfed and nonbreastfed
exclusively in poly child RSUHaji Surabaya .
Analytic observational study ( cross-sectional ) . The location of research in child poly RSU Haji
Surabaya 2 - May 31, 2011. Total population of 110 children with simple random sampling sampling a
sample size of 86 children . The independent variable is non- exclusive breastfeeding and exclusive
breastfeeding , being the dependent variable was the incidence of ARI . source data from medical records
that were tested by chi - square.
The results showed almost entirely of children suffering from ARI ( 81.39 % ) received nonexclusive
breastfeeding . From Chi- Square obtained X2hitung ( 4.70 ) > X2tabel ( 3.84 ) it can be
concluded that HOis rejected it means there is no difference in the incidence of ARI among children aged
1-4 years who were breastfed exclusively with non- exclusive breastfeeding
Conclusion that there are differences in the incidence of respiratory infection in infants aged 1-4
years between exclusively breastfed and non- breastfed exclusively. Infants who are exclusively breastfed
tendency to ARI lower when compared to that received non- exclusive breastfeeding was suggested that
the importance of exclusive breastfeeding .
Keywords: ARI, exclusive breastfeeding / non- exclusive breastfeeding


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