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Salah satu penyebab kematian ibu di Indonesia adalah partus lama 5% dan partus lama di NTT  sebesar 4%. Dampak dari partus lama dapat menyebabkan infeksi intra partum dan asfiksia pada janin bila tidak ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat. Hasil pra survey pada bulan Maret 2016 di Ruang bersalin RSUD Prof.Dr.W.Z Yohannes Kupang, total persalinan normal sebanyak 816 orang, Sectio Sesarea 364 orang, vacum ekstraksi 99 orang, persalinan gemeli 19 orang, persalinan letak sungsang 53 orang, induksi persalinan sebanyak 310 orang atas indikasi perpanjangan fase laten yaitu 89 orang (28,7%), perpanjangan fase aktif 107 orang (34,5%), perpanjangan kala II 114 orang (36,8%) dan mengalami gawat janin 102 orang, perdarahan 18 orang. Ibu bersalin dengan partus lama yang mengalami anemia (Hb < 11 gram%) sebanyak 193 orang (62,3%). Tujuan penelitian untuk Mengetahui pengaruh derajat anemi terhadap partus lama di ruang bersalin RSUD Prof. Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analitik dengan rancangan observasional. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu non probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling yaitu memilih sampel diantara populasi yang dikehendaki peneliti. Responden mengalami anemia ringan. Sebagian besar responden mengalami anemia ringan (Hb 9,0 – 10,9 g/dl). Responden dengan perpanjangan kala II sebesar 46%, perpanjangan kala I fase aktif  42%, perpanjangan kala I fase laten 12%. Hasil uji Chi Square, didapatkan hasil p- value 0,046, p- value < α (0,05), ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara derajad anemia dengan partus lama. Nilai Koefisien Korelasi  (R) yaitu =  0.319 Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara derajad anemia dengan partus lama  dalam kategori lemah.. R –Square atau koefisien determinan = 0.102 atau 10.2 % ,  menunjukkan bahwa derajad anemia memiliki pengaruh 10.2% terhadap partus lama dan sisanya 80.8%. Penatalaksanaan ibu bersalin yang mengalami anemia dan partus lama yang dilakukan sudah sesuai stándar namun perlu pengawasan  intensif terhadap asuhan kebidanan yang dilakukan oleh bidan pelaksana terutama pemantauan saat  tindakan induksi persalinan pasien yang dirawat di ruang bersalin

Kata kunci : Anemia; partus lama









One of the causes of maternal death in Indonesia is the old parturition of 5% and the old parturition in NTT by 4%. The impact of prolonged parturition can cause intra-partum infection and asphyxia in the fetus if not treated quickly and appropriately. The results of the pre-survey in March 2016 in the delivery room of the RSUD Prof.Dr.WZ Yohannes Kupang, total normal deliveries were 816 people, Sectio Sesarea 364 people, extraction vacum 99 people, childbirth 19 people were happy, labored were 53 breechers, 53 induction labor 310 people for the indication of the extension of the latent phase that is 89 people (28.7%), the active phase extension of 107 people (34.5%), the extension of the second stage 114 people (36.8%) and experiencing fetal distress 102 people, bleeding 18 people . Mothers with old parturition who have anemia (Hb <11 grams%) as many as 193 people (62.3%). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the degree of anemia on the old parturition in the delivery room of Prof. Hospital Dr. W. Z. Johannes Kupang. This study uses analytical research methods with observational design. The sampling technique used in this study is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling method that is choosing a sample among the population the researchers want. Respondents have mild anemia. Most respondents experienced mild anemia (Hb 9.0 - 10.9 g / dl). Respondents with an extension of the second stage of 46%, an extension of the first phase of active phase 42%, extension of the first stage of the latent phase of 12%. Chi Square test results, obtained p-value of 0.046, p-value <α (0.05), this shows that there is a significant relationship between the degree of anemia with prolonged labor. Correlation Coefficient (R) value = 0.319 This shows that the relationship between the degree of anemia and old parturition is in the weak category. 80.8%. Management of maternal anemia and old parturition is carried out in accordance with the standard but requires intensive supervision of midwifery care performed by the implementing midwife, especially monitoring when the labor induction of patients treated in the delivery room

Keywords: Anemia; old parturition

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