Dwi Krihariyani, Sri Wahyuni, Elysa Devi Putri Pramytasari


Trombosit number counting and hemostasis deed examination are two of hematology examination.
Common anticoagulant to be used on thrombocyte number examination is Ethylene Diamine
Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA), while hemostasis deed examination uses 3.2% Sodium Citrate
anticoagulant. When there is the lack of blood sample volume, the usage of one type anticoagulant
for several types of examination would be more efficient because it does not need much blood
sample. The goal of this research was to obtain the estimation of thrombocyte number counting of
citrate blood sample to EDTA blood sample. The type of this research was experimental with
quantitative analysis technique. Sample used in this research were 15 students of
JurusanAnalisKesehatan. Sampling of the sample were performed in
LaboratoriumHematologiJurusanAnalisKesehatanPoltekkes Surabaya, and sample examination were
conducted in DinasKesehatanLaboratoriumKesehatan Surabaya on May 17th 2014. The outcome of
this research revealed the average of EDTA blood sample was 274.730/
citrate blood sample was 217.460/
EDTA blood. With statistic test of regression analysis, it was known that probability sig result (p)
0.000 mean that (p) < a, Hi was excepted and there was effect of thrombocyte number of citrate
blood sample to EDTA blood sample. The sodium citrate anticoagulant usage could be used as an
alternative of EDTA anticoagulant replacer on trombosit number counting examination by using
calculation estimation of y = 35.689 + 1.099x.


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