Indah Lestari, Christ Kartika Rahayuningsih, Ferril Widyastuti


Red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of the types of vegetables with a high content of Vitamin C as an
antioxidant and endurance. Vitamin C Oxidation occurs due to warming through the process of
boiling and steaming, so this study aimed to analyze the changes in the levels of vitamin C in
boiling and steaming red beet. This research uses experimental methods and quantitative analysis
techniques with methods Iodimetri conducted during March-May 2016 in the Chemical Laboratory
of Food and Beverage Department of Health Analyst PoltekkesMoH Surabaya. The research sample
of red beet crop yields in the Pujon, Malang random sampling without treatment, boiling and
steaming respectively 10, 20, and 30 minutes by Anova Two Way. The results obtained by the
average levels of vitamin C red beets control, boiled and steamed respectively 10, 20, and 30 min
of 0.1394%; 0.0900%; 0.0747%; 0.0614%; 0.1140%; 0.0924%; and 0.0795%. It can be
concluded that the highest levels of vitamin C in fresh red beets without treatment and decreased
levels of Vitamin C after boiling and steaming on red beets caused oxidation of Vitamin C for
heating with a percentage of 55,95% decline in boiling greater than steaming.


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