Wieke Sri Wulan, Evy Diah Woelansari, Armei Binariati


Cholesterol is a cause of cardiovascular disease, the cause of death in the world.
Hypercholesterolemia can be prevented by eating healthy foods like apples because it has a soluble
dietary fiber is pectin. This study aims to investigate the influence of extract of apple (Pyrus malus)
against total cholesterol levels in mice (Mus musculus). This research uses experimental research
methods quantitative analysis. This study used 25 mice and were divided into 5 groups. The first
group, negative control group fed a standard and distilled water. The second group, the positive
control group were given high-cholesterol feed without apple fruit extracts. The third group were
given extracts of apples for 3 days. The fourth group was given an apple extract for 5 days. The
fifth group were given extracts of apples for 7 days. Research was conducted from May to June
2016 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Airlangga. The results showed that the
mice decreased cholesterol levels in the group treated with the extract of apple for 7 days at
14,2%. From the results of this study concluded that apple extracts have an effect on total


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