Aprianti - Syam, Retno Sasongkowati, Sri Sulami Endah Astuti


Ascariasis is an intestinal infection caused by the parasitic worm Ascaris lumbricoides. Starfruit leaf (Averrhoa
bilimbi) is one of the plants that is often used as an anthelmintic in the communit y. The lea ves of st ar f ruit
(Averrhoa bilimbi) contain several compounds that have the potential as anthelmintics, namely saponins, tannins
and flavonoids. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving ethanol extract of starfruit leaves
(Averrhoa bilimbi) as an anthelmintic to the time of death of Ascaris suum Goeze worms in vitro. The method in
this research is experimental with post test only group design. The test animal of the study was Ascaris suum.
The research was conducted at the Parasitology Laboratory of t he Healt h Analyst Department of Healt h
Polytechnic Surabaya in December-May 2019. This study used 6 treatment groups, namely 0.9% Na Cl a s a
negative control and 0.25% pyrantel pamoate as a positive control and ethanol extract of starfruit leaves wit h a
concentration of 40%, 60 %, 80% and 100%. The data were analyzed using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov t est, t he
Kruskal-Wallis test and then continued using the Post Hoc test to determine the difference in the effect of giving
starfruit leaf ethanol extract on the death time of Ascaris suum worms. The mean time of death of Ascaris suum
caused by ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh leaves 40% concentration for 492.875 minutes, 60%
concentration for 282.5625 minutes, 80% concentration for 142.25 minutes and 100% concentration f or 66.75
minutes. So it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of belimbing wuluh lea ves has a nt helmint ic ef fect
against Ascaris suum worms

Keywords: Anthelmintic; Ascaris suum; Wuluh starfruit leaves

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