Kristanti Astika Putri


Typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. Typhoid fever complications usually
occur in the second week or more, one of the complications that occur is typhoid hepatitis with an increase in
ALT, AST and blood bilirubin. One of the examinations for the diagnosis of typhoid fever is through the rapid
test for typhoid IgG / IgM using the immunochromatography method. This study aimed to determine the
relationship between positive typhoid IgG / IgM rapid test and bilirubin. This type of research was descriptive
correlation with the aim of knowing whether there was a relationship between positive typhoid IgG / IgM rapid
test variables and Total Bilirubin variables in typhoid fever sufferers. The sampling technique was purposive
sampling with a total of 30 samples of typhoid fever patients at Kertosono Hospital. After analyzing the data, 2
samples of positive IgG were obtained (6.67%) with an average total bilirubin level of 0.40 mg / dL, 11 samples
of positive IgM (36.67%) with an average bilirubin level. a total of 0.44 mg / dL, positive IgG and positive IgM
were 17 samples (56.67%) with an average total bilirubin level of 0.48 mg / dL. Statistical tests revealed that
there was no relationship between positive typhoid IgG / IgM rapid test and bilirubin.
Keywords: typhoid fever; typhoid rapid test; typhoid hepatitis; Bilirubin


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