Khusnul Hermawati


Bilirubin is a yellow liquid derived from the porphyrin element in hemoglobin which is formed due to the
destruction of red blood cells by reticuloendothelial cells. Bilirubin does not contain iron, but it can bind and
dissolve in fat. One of the liver function tests is the examination of bilirubin in serum to determine the function
of the liver to transport bile and provide information on the ability to conjugate bilirubin that is excreted into
bile. This study aims to determine the effect of delaying serum immediately, 5 hours and 10 hours in sprinters on
the results of the examination of total bilirubin levels. his type of research is a quasi-experimental (quasy)
research design with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design which was carried out in January - June 2019. This
study used the Jendassik-Grof examination method with a photometer. The population in this study were
students whose blood was drawn twice, sampling-1 before running and sampling-2 after running. The sample of
this research is saturation sampling with the number of samples there are 4 people, namely before the sprint,
after the sprint is taken, consisting of blood samples examined immediately 0 hours, blood samples examined
delayed 5 hours, blood samples examined delayed 10 hours without calculating the sample size. The results of
the study were Total Bilirubin levels in serum sprinters with serum examination time immediately before
running that was 0.8 mg/dl, serum examination time immediately after running was 0.6 mg/dl, serum delay
examination time for 5 hours was 0.5 mg/dl and a serum delay of 10 hours, 0.4 mg/dl, which was tested for One
Way Anova test data using SPSS. Total Bilirubin level in serum has a significant value of 0.100 so it can be
concluded that there is no effect of time in this study.
Keywords : Serum Bilirubin; Spinter; Delay in Examination


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