Lailatul - Musyrofah, Pestariati Pestariati


White mussel shells (Corbula Foba Hinds) waste in Balongdowo village, Candi district, Sidoarjo, have not been used well. The white mussel shells contain chitin which can be synthesized into chitosan. Now days, 90% chitosan market are controlled by Japan. Indonesia with larger sea potential has good chance to participate in the world chitosan market. The development of chitin and chitosan industry in Indonesia has been arranged in presidential decree number 28 in 2008. This research aims to determine the synthesis process and the characterization of white mussel shells (Corbula Foba Hinds). Chitosan synthesis is carried out by chemical methods. The sampling is done by simple random sampling technique. The independent variable is 45% NaOH with 1:20 volume comparison and 50% NaOH with 1:8 volume comparison. The dependent variable is the chitosan characterization ofwhite mussel shells (Corbula Foba Hinds), contain of water content, ash, pH, solubility, yield, and deacetylation degree. This reaserch was conducted in December 2017 - July 2018 in Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Majoring in Health Analytical Poltekes Kemenkes Surabaya and Chemical Laboratory of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November. The result of sample 1 were synthesized by distillation procedure using 45% NaOH with 1:20 comparison (weight:volume) produced white characteristics chitosan, odorless, ≤ 200 mesh particle size, pH 9, 86,31% ash, 0,44% water content, 75,23%
solubility, 14,6% yield, and 95,85% deacetylation degree. Sample 2 were synthesized by distillation prosedure using 50% NaOH with 1:8 comparison (weight:volume) procedured
white characteristics chitosan, odorless, ≤ 200 mesh particle size, pH 12, % ash,0,25% water content, 85,24% solubility, 9,8% yield, and 72,19% deacetylation degree. Based on the result, it can conclude that sample 1 has better characteristics than sample 2.
Keywords: chitosan synthesis, white mussel shells, characteristics of chitosan

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